Artikel Tentang Ekonomi | Page 2

04.02.2015 10:22
Eurozone Economies
Besides the difficulties caused by the transition to euro, Eurozone member states' economies were significantly weakened by the financial crisis that occurred in the second half of the last decade. In articular, unemployment rate in Ger...
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12.01.2015 07:32
Currency Market
Many people often make mistakes calling Forex a currency exchange. Forex is an off-exchange market, where currencies are exchanged at free prices determined only by current market conditions. This market has no definite physical place, trad...
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02.12.2014 08:26
United States Economy
In essence, the USA is, at the same time, the largest global importer and the same significant exporter. Telecommunication equipment and semiconductors, airliners and automobiles, engines and equipment for energy-producing industry, measuri...
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18.11.2014 08:34
Great Britain's Economy
Carrying out central bank functions in Great Britain is assigned to the Bank of England. Although BA has the status of an independent organization, the Board of Directors is appointed by a special royal decree and only after the approval of...
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03.11.2014 14:23
Clearing Activities
Two main systems for offsetting obligations are used in modern clearing. One of them is bilateral (pair-wise) offset when participants are the same parties. Multilateral offset is somewhat more complex. It deals with the calculatio...
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