Artikel Tentang Ekonomi | Page 1

10.07.2019 19:18
Panduan Lengkap Investasi Berdagang Forex
Akhir-akhir ini marak sekali orang-orang yang mulai menginvestasikan uangnya untuk berdagang di mata uang asing. Banyak yang berhasil mendapatkan ribuan dolar dari situ, dan ada juga yang kehilangan uangnya. Para pemula kebanyaka...
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23.05.2019 15:30
Haruskah anda investasi saham? Enam alasan kenapa anda harus investasi saham
Berinvestasi di bursa saham Indonesia biasanya akan memberikan gengsi tersendiri bagi pelakunya. Investasi saham bisa menjadi alat yang efektif dalam mengurangi inflasi yang dapat menurunkan daya beli masyarakat....
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27.05.2015 07:44
Economy of Switzerland
Having virtually no domestic natural deposits, Switzerland ranks first in the world in cotton, grain, oil-bearing crops sales, and first in Europe in sugar sales. The reason is simple: the country is the largest trade platform, and, for ins...
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07.04.2015 07:38
Economy of China
As for any export-oriented country, decline in demand for Chinese products in foreign markets remains its main risk. In this regard, global tendencies in the part of more focusing on high-technology goods make Chinese economy even more vuln...
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10.03.2015 07:46
What Affects Forex Currency Exchange Rates
One of the main participants of any national financial system is its central bank. Therefore, central bank policy has a direct effect on the national currency exchange rate. That effect is mainly exercised in two directions: by means of set...
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